As promised I've got more words about our trip to the New River Gorge. Sunday we got up, errr I got up early and began to cook a big breakfast for all the STC kids. Pancakes and bacon were on the menu. I tried to get things underway hoping help would arrive soon but disaster struck as I'm used to cooking turkey bacon and not the real deal and the grease was beginning to overwhelm me. Cooking 4-5 lbs of bacon on a small camping stove is a difficult thing to do. In a panic I sent out a flurry of text messages to sleeping campers asking for assistance.
After breakfast we began gathering our riding gear and bikes as a few non-campers rolled into town for a day-trip ride. Our original Sunday ride plans included some scenic trails that cruised along the Gorge got cancelled in favor of a repeat of Saturday's ride for those who didn't get to ride the Arrowhead system on Saturday. No big deal, it's super fun trail system and Melinda and I were there until Monday so I figured we would sneak in the Gorge trails sometime.
Monday morning I headed down to the campground office to see about extending our stay into the late afternoon to squeeze in some more riding and lake time. Most campgrounds will allow this for a small fee but unfortunately for us the unruly campground host was manning the office and fubarred our fun for the day. She insisted that we would have to pay for a full night's stay, $33 just to stay a couple of hours extra. Once again I had to fight the urge to show this lady my middle finger and say a few choice words in her direction. Instead I said muttered a thanks, un-liked to them on Facebox and vowed never to camp there again.
We toyed with the idea of parking the ECO at the trailhead but I was super nervous about there not being enough room to turn around and backing that thing up blindly was not sounding good to me. Instead we opted for a day at the lake with Moonshine where there was plenty of large truck/trailer parking.
Also as promised, my Go Pro footage from Saturday's ride. I wanted to shoot more but I ran out of battery juice and forgot my back up at the campground.